Sunday, April 13, 2008

Dream's Edge Promotions

Creative Copywriter Ventures Into Unknown Waters! Well, folks, finally succuming to radio "burn out" after 30 years, I have decided to do something about it. First off, let me say that the world of blogs is quite new to me. Guess you could say I'm a real "babe in the woods" in that aspect. When I first heard the word "blog", a cheesy "B" grade movie came to mind. A blog? Sounds like something to avoid; a place where only the foolhearty dare to trod. In any case, I have donned my waders and protective gear in preparation for a daring venture into uncharted waters (or swamps, or bogs, er, I mean BLOGS!) While I'm not quite sure to expect, I'm willing to abandon my comfort zone, and give this puppy a test drive. You see, I'm the poster child for old school ways, but have resigned myself to the fact that this is the method of the future, and the future is now! Having said that, I welcome this new venture, and plan to jump in with both feet (non-webbed, of course!) The purpose of my blog will be to share my many adventures (and mis-adventures) of life and radio, or as it's turned out life IN radio. In addition, I plan to share some of my creative works through writing, including a hilarious Christmas novelty tune that I penned last year, called "AUNT CLARA'S CHRISTMAS CASSEROLE". Originating as a "fun" project, many people grabbed the notion and ran with it, and surprisingly, it was recorded locally and recieved National airplay! While I enjoy creative writing as a hobby, I have been called upon to create custom songs (both funny and of a more serious nature) as well as poems for all occasions such as retirements, bithdays, real-life experiences, etc. As far as I can tell, this appears to be a fairly unique skill which I have honed from many years of copywriting. In addition, I have decided to undertake custom copywriting services for business, including jingles, catch phrases, logos etc. Basically, if you can dream it, I can write it, and my rates are quite modest. While there are many decent Copywriting services available, I pride myself on devoting whatever time may be necessary to get the job done right the FIRST time. I simply won't rest until the finished product meets customer satisfaction! I'm a one man operation with a good woman behind me, and we vow to make ours a fun and profitable venture by customizing our work to adapt to your needs. My business venture is "DREAM'S EDGE PROMOTIONS", as I feel that I am embarking on my "dream" career! A little about me...I am in my late 40's and a native of Central Pa. (near Penn State). Starting in 1976 while still in High School, I began hanging out at the local radio station (WBLF in Bellefonte). Tiring of my incessant loitering, I was hired on as a part-time weekend announcer. Back then, "oldies" consisted of the 50's and 60's. Today, it seems as though the 70's and 80's are considered ancient to many. Wow! How times have changed! In 1978, I became Music and Program Director for the station, and stayed on until 1985. From there, I moved on to WBLF's sister station in Tyrone and worked there until 1994, when we relocated to the Lock Haven area. I have never been out of radio for 30 years, but the tide seems to be turning in the radio market, and not for the better to my way of thinking. Seems like mega companies are swallowing up small market stations, and most programming is via satellite. Certainly not the "good old days", at least in my mind. I feel as though I have gone as far as I can in my chosen field, and have decided to start pursuing other ventures where my skills and God-given talents can be used. I am a Penn State fan, and pray to live long enough to see the Nits knock off Michigan. Wishful thinking, I suppose! I love oldies, but tire of hearing the same, painfully predictable offerings on "so-called" oldies stations. There are SO many great songs which are simply no longer heard as stations concentrate on those monster hits that long since become overkill. Don't get me started...I reside in Howard, Pa. (Bald Eagle State Park), and am quite fond of the small town lifestyle. Howard is the kind of place where everyone knows everyone (and everyone's business!), but it has become my "Mayberry". It's the kind of place where you expect an occasional visit from Aunt Bee with a homemade pie and a glass of lemonade. The people seem especially friendly, and the landscape is beautiful. I suspect that most people feel the same way about their "neck-of-the-woods", but Howard is a world all it's own. Marriied for 24 years, my wife is employed at a local University in the Health Services Department. We are incureable dog lovers, and own two super Cocker Spaniels named Blaze and Spirit. They are half-brothers. Stay tuned to this blogspace as I attempt to spew some interesting stuff and bare my soul for the sake of blogging. And away we go...!!!

11:49:00 AM
by Dream's Edge Promotions
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As I rapidly approach my 50's, I often find myself reminiscing of my early days in radio; a much less compliacted time of my life. Perhaps my frequent flashbacks are nothing more than an attempt to relive special memories which are indelibly etched in a hidden, but easily accessible part of my brain. These memories are much more than just fond recollections of another time and space, but rather a resource of strength from which to draw. Call me an incureable sentimentalist, but I believe that these were the years that helped define who I really am, and I wouldn't trade the ride for the world.

Midway through my Senior year of High School (Fall of '76), I was struggling with a hard core identity crisis, and searching to discover who I really was. My grades were average at best, and if I was lucky enough to snag a "B" during any given marking period, it was celebrated with a trip to Dairy Queen! To say the least, I lacked focus on most subjects (except for English), and pretty much considered anything study-related a total waste of time. Aside from Creative Writing 101, my School years were spent biding my time for better things. To further explore my creative side, which I knew existed somewhere, I volunteered to handle the morning announcement chores from the PA system. I seemed to develop a knack for this morning routine, and was later directed to the local radio station, where the groundwork of my future would soon take shape.......